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World Water Day links for water diplomats to share

World Water Day links for water diplomats to share

Happy World Water Day! It's up to you, me, and everyone we know to help get the word out.


The theme for 2024 is Water for Peace, and the UN's big focus this year is on encouraging more transnational border agreements on water use. With multiple wars and strife happening right now, this may be a difficult topic for everyday people to get excited about. But it's an important issue, and we know water professionals will always step up to promote the world's only holiday devoted to water.

To that point, we've collected links, both serious and lighthearted, for you to share.

What we think

Official images

Help get the word out with the UN's shareable images and resources.

Raise the profile of water workers

Would you buy a Lego Sewer Heroes Fighting the Fatberg set? We certainly would. We love this community effort to influence Lego shine a spotlight on the water profesionals who just make everything work. This idea hasn't been picked up by Lego... yet. Cast your vote to help them get past 10K requests.

How data helps conserve water

We love to see companies go deep with data to use less water. That's what our apps do, too! How Audi is reducing water consumption in production through a combination of process optimization, developing water cycles, pursuing potable-water-free production, and even using rainwater.

Water conflicts from antiquity to today

The Pacific Institute compiles a fascinating Water Conflict Chronology that goes back to 2,500 BC. Want to see what happened around you? You can filter by region.

Everyone wonders at some point

Will the world run out of water? ▫️Yes ▫️No ✔️It's complicated

Back to the old ways

The humble beaver reimagined as the Keeper of Ponds.

Andrew Millison is a professor in Oregon who makes excellent YouTube videos around permaculture and sustainable water practices like this recent one: How Farmers Reshaped a Region and Solved Drought. It's an excellent story about how much of a difference one water engineer can make to a community. We've written about Andrew's work in the past to help spotlight the importance of bringing back beaver habitats in The planet-saving power of ponds.

Kids today

Fishing trash out of a creek is an easy way for kids to help – and can actually be fun!

Do you have fatigue about the planet's water problems? It's easy to push these messages to the back of our mind, but an article like this helps frame our future challenges in an extemely compelling way, whether you're a parent or not: How long before climate change will destroy the Earth? Research reveals what Australian kids want to know about our warming world.

Is that too strong of a message for your online constituency? If so, perhaps talk about what kids in your local area – or around the world – are doing: Liberia is All Set for World Water Day Football and Kickball Championship.

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