1 min read

An outdoor amphiteatre with serious sustainability cred

We just released one of our best customer stories to date on the One Water Blog.
An outdoor amphiteatre with serious sustainability cred
If you're looking for a template for cutting-edge sustainable drainage design, you've found it.

We just released one of our best customer stories to date on the One Water Blog.

It's about how Jacobs engineered a SuDS-friendly, flood-resistant amphitheater that can store 150K gallons of water underground. The story is about sustainability and cutting-edge drainage design, but it's also about going further to make something you're proud of by paying close attention to the details.

The design fits into the landscape and the community extremely well and captures the attention of everyone who sees it, perhaps making them wonder, "Was this built by fairies as a counterpart to Stonehenge?"

We think this customer story is one of our best so far. Not to be missed.

Nay. It was built by Jacobs, who used Autodesk software including InfoWorks ICM to help them get every detail right. Although this place in the English countryside has an almost Celtic feel, it's made with very modern and sophisticated software, following some of today's most innovative techniques in floodwater management and drainage design.

We're extremely grateful to everyone at Jacobs for sitting with us and sharing their story, especially Paul Hargreaves, who has created some excellent background videos that go even deeper into the project, which we've included in the post.

What do you think of this kitchen-sink-inspired vortex? Talk to us on LinkedIn. Follow us on YouTube.